Founded in 2000, Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, Inc. (WHEE) is a full service environmental engineering consulting firm that specializes in planning, designing, and implementing effective solutions for your environmental and regulatory concerns. WHEE will work together with you to optimize your regulatory compliance programs and systems.
Green Office Initiative
At Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, we are committed to leading by example. Many of our clients continuously search for ways to make their production process more efficient by conserving water, energy, and materials. At our office, we aim to facilitate sustainability through implementing waste minimization practices and actively seeking ways to lessen our environmental impact. This hands-on approach to implementing green practices within our own company helps us relate to our clients and develop creative, practical ways to increase sustainability on a larger scale at their facilities
Our Experience & Expertise Includes -
Air and odor pollution control systems
Regulatory permitting (NPDES, SID/Industrial pretreatment, CAFO, Air permits, UIC, etc.), compliance assistance, and compliance auditing
Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP)
Program auditing for ammonia refrigeration systems covered under USEPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP) and OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) program
Onsite sewage (septic) management systems
Technical expert witness testimony
Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing Toxicity Identification & Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TIEs & TREs)
NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
SID: State Indirect Discharge
UIC: Underground Injection Control
CAFO: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
Wastewater treatment and disposal system evaluation, design and troubleshooting, including:
Chemical and physical treatment (dissolved air flotation - DAF, screening, sedimentation, filtration, etc.)
Biological treatment (aerobic and anaerobic)
Membrane biological reactors (MBRs)
Nitrogen removal
Phosphorus removal
Natural treatment systems
Industrial wastewater treatment
Municipal wastewater treatment
Water conservation and water reuse
Land application treatment systems (LASs)
Wastewater collection systems
Storm water collection, management and treatment systems
Soil and erosion control systems and best management practices (BMPs)
Regulatory plan (i.e., Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plans, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans - SWP3, Best Management Practice Plans – BMP, etc.) and compliance program development
Our Leadership Team
Steven R. Woodruff, P.E.
Mr. Steven Woodruff has more than thirty (30) years of experience in the process and environmental engineering fields, with more than twenty-two (22) years in consulting engineering. His experience includes evaluation and design of water, wastewater and air pollution control systems for various industries, environmental regulatory permitting and compliance, regulatory agency negotiations, regulatory reporting, environmental contamination assessments and remediation, development of regulatory plans and programs (SPCC, SWP3, FRC, etc.), and environmental compliance auditing. Mr. Woodruff has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of South Florida (1987), and he is also a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in various states. Mr. Woodruff is a Technical Services Provider (TSP) for the
USDA-NRCS, and he is a Certified Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan Writer including: “Manure and Wastewater Handling and Storage Specialist Certification,” “Nutrient Management Specialist Certification,” and “Land Treatment Specialist Certification.” Mr. Woodruff was previously the Director, Environmental Engineering and Safety for Gold Kist Inc., a $1.5+ billion dollar per year company with poultry processing plants, feed mills, hatcheries, equipment manufacturing operations and other agricultural related operations (fertilizer and pesticide operations, retail farm stores, peanut and grain handling facilities, aerial timber fertilizer application, etc.). Gold Kist conducted business in more than ten states with the number of individual facilities exceeding 100. Mr. Woodruff is President and CEO of Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, Inc. (WHEE, Inc.). WHEE, Inc. was founded in 2000.
Warren W. Howe, P.E.
Mr. Warren Howe has more than twenty-six (26) years of experience in the industrial and environmental engineering fields. Mr. Howe has significant experience and expertise in industrial water, wastewater and storm water treatment system design for various industries. Mr. Howe’s experience also includes regulatory permitting, regulatory reporting, compliance program development and compliance auditing. Mr. Howe has significant experience with industrial and land disturbance activity storm water permit compliance as well as evaluation and design of storm water pollution prevention best management practices and storm water collection and treatment systems. Mr. Howe has provided technical support to industry in negotiations with regulatory agencies for new industrial storm water permits for Georgia and Alabama. Mr. Howe also has extensive experience with OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM), USEPA’s Risk Management Plan (RMP) and DHS’s Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) regulatory programs for various hazardous chemicals. Mr. Howe has a BS in Industrial Engineering and a Certificate of Economics from the Georgia Institute of Technology (1991). Mr. Howe is a registered Professional Engineer in Georgia and other states and he is a “Level II Certified Design Professional” under Georgia’s soil, erosion and pollution control permitting program. Mr. Howe was formerly the Manager of Environmental Engineering with Gold Kist Inc. Mr. Howe was also a plant engineer with Gold Kist Inc. and Wayne Farms LLC. Mr. Howe is a Vice President with WHEE, Inc.
Trent Samples, P.E.
Mr. Trent Samples has been working with WHEE, Inc. since 2008 and has significant experience in the civil and environmental engineering fields, which includes regulatory compliance and permitting services. His expertise includes air permitting (Title V major, synthetic minor and true minor air emission sources), wastewater discharge permitting, environmental program development (SPCC, SWP3, FRP, Slug Loading Control, hazardous waste contingency plans, MACT compliance plans, etc.), environmental program training, regulatory reporting (TIER 2, TRI, DMR/OMR, Greenhouse Gas Reporting, etc.) and environmental compliance program auditing. Mr. Samples also has extensive experience in the evaluation and design of wastewater and storm water treatment systems, including chemical physical treatment systems, biological treatment systems and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) removal systems. Mr. Samples is a “Level II Certified Design Professional” under Georgia’s soil, erosion and pollution control permitting program, and he is also a Certified Tank Inspector for the Steel Tank Institute SP-001 Standard, which is the typical industry standard applicable for shop built above ground storage tanks (ASTs) storing fuels, oils and animal fat. Mr. Samples experience also includes evaluation and design of fuel and oil storage and handling systems for various industrial facilities and
permitting of these systems through State Fire Marshall Offices. Mr. Samples has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and he is also a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.).